I had one of those epic couple of days. But not the good ones. I went to photograph Peter Mansbrige in Toronto. Easy enough right? Wrong. Lets recount some key points. I try to leave Belleville, but there was a train derailment that canceled all westbound trains on Thursday. I find out at 12:30. I have to be at the shoot at 5:45, So I head to the bus, hop on and continue. An hour into the trip, we hit the worst blizzard Toronto has seen in a while. A 2.5 hour trip takes 6. So needless to say when 4 pm rolled around and we still had not reached Vaughn I had to call and rebook. Peter's assistant said that I gave it a valiant effort and said that I should just head back and come when the weather was nicer, I told her that I was on a bus and making it to T.O. no matter what. So she was able to reschedule the shoot for the next day (Friday)
That put my mind at ease in that regards. I would still get my shot! Now to matters at hand. Where to stay for the night... I called Cynthia and she let me crash at her place. But I still wasn't even at the airport drop off yet.7pm rolls around and I finally get to the airport. Mass chaos. Every flight has been canceled. There is a 3 hour wait for a cab who are all charging a flat rate of $100 per person, not per car load to get to downtown. You have 3 people? $300. Needless to say, I wait for the shuttle. All the while it is blowing like mad and all I have is a spring jacket. I get downtown and navigate the subway and bus system and make it to Cyn's house.Eat, sleep, wake up and head downtown.
Downtown is chaos. They have most of Front St. blocked off because large sheets of ice are falling off the sky scrapers. I get some shots, question a cop and find out that numerous people have been sent to hospital from ice falling on their heads and at least 3 cars are trashed.
The trip back after shooting Peter and doing some shopping also was a nightmare, the train was canceled and the put us on a train, over an hour late, so here it is, 2 am and I just got home.
All in all, the weather chaos made the front page of 4 papers. The National Post, The Globe and Mail, The Toronto Star and the Toronto Sun.
And to end, a couple random facts.
-I got a tour of CBC which is WAY cool. (They have a giant set of double doors that say "National" where they film the National.
-I walked around for the better part of two days with wet feet.
-I broke my 50 1.8

Watch out of falling ice.

How often do you get to see the Union Station empty?

In the end, Peter Mansbridge was nice, very professional. As soon as I held the camera, it was like his cue to strike a news pose. Made shooting easy.