Monday, January 30, 2006

A New Project: Number 16 North

So i think I may start a personal project of the bus in Saskatoon. Specifically the #16 North. You see, this is the bus that the blue collars ride. Its sole function is to take people to the North Industrial area of the city. I just happen to work in an office that has the unfortunate fate of being in that area of town. Since I park my car every winter and take the bus, I have ample insights into daily bus life. Such as today, we were hit by a car. Everyone on the bus has thier own reason for riding, be it handicap, drunk driving infraction, poor or like me. I think it could be interesting document this. Plus it could work out for my portfolio. Something that I need to work on.

I talked to the Prof from the school that I applied to. The strikes against me so far are that I don't have any post secondary schooling (Most of his applicants do) and that I am a year younger than most of the fast track students. Jebus, I want to get in. If determination and drive mean anything, how can I convey that to him? He is going to call me back tomorrow and we'll see what he has to say. (Crossing my fingers) Oh also, if I do get in somehow, Classes start the first week of May. Yikes, that is soon!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Brain Drain

I've been thinking more and more about school and what to do if I get in. This is going to be a big change for me. I'll be moving nearly 3200KM away from anyone I know. I'll also be downsizing in community size. Belleville is only 50,000 people. Saskatoon is closer to 230,000 people. On the plus side, it is a college community so there will be lots of young people. It is also right on a lake so there is no shortage of things to do.

I was working on the financial side of things this morning. I have $9000 in solid funds right now. The fast track program is going to be about $3500 for everythinng (tuition, food, housing) and the second year is going to be about $8500. I need to come up with $3000 over the next 4 months or so. Looks like I'll be spending less time going out and more time finding cheap ways to entertain myself...

Monday, January 16, 2006

New Beginings

Somehow I don't think anyone actually read the site I had here before. If you did, you were an idiot. There were 4 posts that were way to random. Well here it is, 2006 and the site is making a comeback. Call it more of a transition. I am going to be moving from my shitty photogeek rant site to this. This is easier and I can post updates from where ever I happen to be. Which will soon be Belleville Ontario if I get my way. Then after that, somewhere over in Asia. So once again, this is just a test but will be my main way of keeping in touch and letting everyone know what is going on with me at any given moment.