Where's My Leica?

My "new" Leica M2. It is dinged, engraved, and seen better days. But at the end of the day, it is still smooth and works like a dream.
So, after much drooling and sitting on the fence, I finally have a Leica. It was purchased from Harry's Pro Shop, hand checked by Fred Lum, Shipped to my mother for safe keeping and finally hand delivered to me in China by my big sis.
Speaking of which, Danielle and Brian are in China. They arrived on Thursday and I surprised them in Shanghai on Saturday. It was SO nice to see family. I never realized how much I would miss family and friends. I mean, Toronto was far away and everything, but at least I made many good friends there. Here in China it isn't so easy. In linping, there is a total for about 10 foreigners, I think I have met 5 of them and really have not too much in common with any of them.
So While in Shanghai, D&B and I ate like kings. We toured around. We took pictures. We got offered bags, watches, shoes, children's underpants and hookers. WAIT, WHAT? you say.
One street pusher offered up children's underpants immediately followed by hookers. I am blaming it all on Danielle's tattoo. Never have I seen so much attention paid to ink. You see, most girls here don't have tattoos. Those that do usually have a very small tattoo that is usually nearly hidden. As most of you know, Danielle and a GIANT full arm tattoo.
Soon they will be in Linping to hang out with me for five days. I am guessing more beer, food and fun times. I can't wait...