A lone goose watches a jogger near Kiwanis park. The forecast is calling for below normal temperatures and snow for the next couple days. (Vance Lester/Star Phoenix)

Ryan "The Hitman" Henney of Saskatoon prepares for his Canadian Cruiserweight Title bout Wednesday. The Edmonton fight is on April 13. Henney has a standing of 6 wins (4 KO's) and 2 losses. (Vance Lester/Star Phoenix)

Alvin Nelson, Chris Longman, Tracey Gunn, Martina Buffalo, Sue Delanoy and Clinton Takakenew stand in the new expansion that they are building at Core Neighborhood Youth Co-op in Saskatoon's west side. Delanoy, the executive director, is helping kids learn skills that will keep them out of trouble and off the streets.(Vance Lester/Star Phoenix)
So here we are, one week back in Saskatoon. I miss everyone in Belleville. I miss school in a way, but I really do enjoy the people that I work with at the Star Phoenix. Everyone is really nice. I am working the split shift. Noon to 8. I enjoy this. I get to sleep in, and I am working for all the high points of the day. I mean really, what happens before noon that is news worthy? Yea, that's what I thought. Nothing.
Many people have been asking me about the Juno's. Here is the low down. I had a good time. I had crappy access but I still had a blast. For the most part, the bands that i met were really nice. I would especially say that about Brent Fitz. The guy was great. I met him at the airport while he was waiting for his friend to pick him up (no car service - he knows people here) and then i ran into him on Saturday as he and his friend were wandering the streets of downtown after getting sick of the red carpet BS. He recognized me and we chatted for a few minutes. Great guy!
Other than that, it was cold. That was the junos. I am now doing real work and I like it better.