Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Last Day in Belleville for a while...

Here is an old shot of Nikki.
So it is my last day here in Belleville for around two months. Last night a bunch of us played Risk as a final activity. Not bad but I got "voted off the island" early on.
Today, my final day, was spent having a picnic with Nikki. We hit up the A&P and got sushi, salad and drinks and then headed down to the pier and ate and played some frizbee. Then it was relaxing time at the house. Turned into zombie mode and watched bad daytime TV until it was time for her to head out. We said our good-byes and now I am kicking it here waiting to catch my 7:30 AM train to T.O. so I can hang out at the airport until 2:15 when I fly back to S'toon. Fun Stuff.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Some random shots

This is what you get when you mix beer and a studio lighting kit...

This is just a crazy shot of Aidas' eye. Look, you can see me and the lights!
Here is some random shots. I have some more recent work, but I don't feel like loading it onto the laptop right now. I have some shots from a recent assignment. We had 24 hours to find a person (The teacher chose the topic - I got athlete) get a couple interviews, take a set of portraits and then write a 600 word profile on the person. I chose a highschool Track All star. She was a typical 15 year old. Very gigglie and had to work with. But I did good. I got 80% on the writting and I find out how I did on the portrait tomorrow...
So I get back in 5 days. I hope everyone comes out to Whiskey Jacks and says hi. I'll only be back for 60 days. Have to make it last!
Monday, June 05, 2006
David, Norman and Horses
What do these three things have in common? I shot them all this weekend. It was an event packed weekend. It was however stressful because I had an EVP (Environmental portrait) lined up for Sunday and the guy never called. It was made worse by the fact that it was a cop and you should be able to trust the word of a cop. Whatever. I got the job done, but it was a completely unrelated subject.

Hmmm, Who could this character be?

Horse Racing is prettty big here in Bellevegas, I have to admit, I got into it!

This here is Norman, He runs a kick ass clothing shop that specializes in Urban Style. Super nice guy, look for more of him.

For those that don't know who the photo was from above, It is Dr. David Suzuki. He gave a talk about his new book. I have the entire talk on tape for anyone that wants to hear it. He is quite the speaker.

Hmmm, Who could this character be?

Horse Racing is prettty big here in Bellevegas, I have to admit, I got into it!

This here is Norman, He runs a kick ass clothing shop that specializes in Urban Style. Super nice guy, look for more of him.

For those that don't know who the photo was from above, It is Dr. David Suzuki. He gave a talk about his new book. I have the entire talk on tape for anyone that wants to hear it. He is quite the speaker.