Last Day in Belleville for a while...

Here is an old shot of Nikki.
So it is my last day here in Belleville for around two months. Last night a bunch of us played Risk as a final activity. Not bad but I got "voted off the island" early on.
Today, my final day, was spent having a picnic with Nikki. We hit up the A&P and got sushi, salad and drinks and then headed down to the pier and ate and played some frizbee. Then it was relaxing time at the house. Turned into zombie mode and watched bad daytime TV until it was time for her to head out. We said our good-byes and now I am kicking it here waiting to catch my 7:30 AM train to T.O. so I can hang out at the airport until 2:15 when I fly back to S'toon. Fun Stuff.
Ahoy man, You should really tell Nikki there that there are better ways to get your fibre. Tell her to talk to William Shatner, the 7 day deal. lol So how's the gallery coming, any luck with that?
Going to take a bit, I am still in Belleville and my archives are in Saskatoon. Should be soon.
You from Stoon?
sweet man..well have a good trip home.
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