David, Norman and Horses
What do these three things have in common? I shot them all this weekend. It was an event packed weekend. It was however stressful because I had an EVP (Environmental portrait) lined up for Sunday and the guy never called. It was made worse by the fact that it was a cop and you should be able to trust the word of a cop. Whatever. I got the job done, but it was a completely unrelated subject.

Hmmm, Who could this character be?

Horse Racing is prettty big here in Bellevegas, I have to admit, I got into it!

This here is Norman, He runs a kick ass clothing shop that specializes in Urban Style. Super nice guy, look for more of him.

For those that don't know who the photo was from above, It is Dr. David Suzuki. He gave a talk about his new book. I have the entire talk on tape for anyone that wants to hear it. He is quite the speaker.

Hmmm, Who could this character be?

Horse Racing is prettty big here in Bellevegas, I have to admit, I got into it!

This here is Norman, He runs a kick ass clothing shop that specializes in Urban Style. Super nice guy, look for more of him.

For those that don't know who the photo was from above, It is Dr. David Suzuki. He gave a talk about his new book. I have the entire talk on tape for anyone that wants to hear it. He is quite the speaker.
Wow, so it's been awhile since I've been to your site,things has changed! What happed to all the pics you had,like to ones from Saskatoon, there were some of a really hot redhead..can't remember her name. And also of a girl named Kalyin if I can remember, she did some nude work I think all I remember is her with a cowboy hat wow she was gorgeous! Anyways, the site looks nice but you need a gallery.
Haha I'll work on the gallery.
BTW, Who is this?
It's Marco, I don't think we've ever met but I've been a fan of the work I've seen. Specially of that Kaylin woman, damn hot.
Cool, Thanks for thhe props. I'll see what I can ddo now that I have a real studio again... Plus the campus is an untouched resource for new girls.
Actually I just wanted to know about the pic of Miss Kaylin. You use to have an album for her, where did that go? Is there still a link to it?
Well I'll see what I can do about getting a gallery set up with all my old pictures. Didn't think anyone looked at then, so I took them down. Give me a couple days.
Ok, I'll check back in a few days. Hopefully have some of those nudes up, lol, damn she's hot. Keep up the good work yo.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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