New Beginings
Somehow I don't think anyone actually read the site I had here before. If you did, you were an idiot. There were 4 posts that were way to random. Well here it is, 2006 and the site is making a comeback. Call it more of a transition. I am going to be moving from my shitty photogeek rant site to this. This is easier and I can post updates from where ever I happen to be. Which will soon be Belleville Ontario if I get my way. Then after that, somewhere over in Asia. So once again, this is just a test but will be my main way of keeping in touch and letting everyone know what is going on with me at any given moment.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Especially I like the first site. But other links are informative too, if you are interested check all those links. and
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