A New Project: Number 16 North

So i think I may start a personal project of the bus in Saskatoon. Specifically the #16 North. You see, this is the bus that the blue collars ride. Its sole function is to take people to the North Industrial area of the city. I just happen to work in an office that has the unfortunate fate of being in that area of town. Since I park my car every winter and take the bus, I have ample insights into daily bus life. Such as today, we were hit by a car. Everyone on the bus has thier own reason for riding, be it handicap, drunk driving infraction, poor or like me. I think it could be interesting document this. Plus it could work out for my portfolio. Something that I need to work on.
I talked to the Prof from the school that I applied to. The strikes against me so far are that I don't have any post secondary schooling (Most of his applicants do) and that I am a year younger than most of the fast track students. Jebus, I want to get in. If determination and drive mean anything, how can I convey that to him? He is going to call me back tomorrow and we'll see what he has to say. (Crossing my fingers) Oh also, if I do get in somehow, Classes start the first week of May. Yikes, that is soon!