So this weekend I went to a track meet at the Field House in Saskatoon. It was the typical tack meet in such that it was VERY unorganized. I love shooting T&F when the venue is set up right and events are spaced out. This was so much not ideal shooting conditions. The events were over lapping in the arena, people were everywhere, event times were late. The one saving grace was that I was able to get a killer location to shoot the running events from.
In an effort to be a good prairie boy (and to give me something to do with a certain someone) I picked up a set of skates. I was asked if I could skate, I did tell the truth, I can skate, I just haven't done it in a while.
Well after thinking about borrowing some that probably don't fit me anymore, I decided to just go out and buy a new pair. Now I can play pond hockey like a good prairie boy. Time to head to the folks house and get my stick. It's hockey night in Saskatoon.