Monday, October 29, 2007
So I am finally on the brink. 1100 more KM today, I am now in Yuma Arizona. It is pretty much at the corner of Arizona, Mexico and Cali. About an hour and a half an I'll be in the blaze. Look out fires, Here I come...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Status Update again
Just clocked in 830 miles or 1350 KM today. Long day. Tired. In Albuquerque NM for the night...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Status Update
Just a quick note to say that I am in Springfield MO. I managed to put in 1100 KM today, but that is far from the 2200 that I have left. One third done. So far away...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Where is Vance Now, Redux
Here I am, 23 days into my month long trip and I have the net again for a day. With only 10 days or so left, I have been back on the road again. This time, it is the road to Vegas and possibly California. In a full-on Hunter S. Thompson mood I left Belleville this morning after once again waking up next to a beautiful blond, completely hung over thanks to James and Pawel. After a couple cups of much needed coffee and saying my goodbyes to the folks who graciously put me up while in town, I was on the road and USA bound. I now sit in a motel just outside Toledo and plan my drive tomorrow. I am thinking it is going to be a 12 hour push to get me into the mid-continent area. Below are some pictures from the past couple weeks. I have more but can't get them off my phone just yet. Once again, they are in no particular order.
Also, once I get back to Saskatoon, I will do a proper write up for all those word type people...

Rob, Emily and Natasha hang out on the stoop of the famous Coleman house in Belleville Ontario.

Me and one of the Group of Seven painters in some town in the Lake region...
Also, once I get back to Saskatoon, I will do a proper write up for all those word type people...

Nikki edits images in a mad rush to get her portfolio done in time for the conference.


Me and one of the Group of Seven painters in some town in the Lake region...
Monday, October 15, 2007

High School Football in Deluth Mi. Provided a much needed break from driving.
Those pictures are in no order at all. Sorry, But I am stealing wireless right now on my last day in Bracebridge. Sad to see it end, but there is much more of my crazy adventure to go. Next stop, Moriston and Nikki Flash. Then Toronto, then Belleville, then Vegas...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A first
So ian sitting here doing my laundry at a coin op that has wireless. I had full intentions of updating and adding some pictures, but thwnthe battery on my laptop crapped out. So I get to update using my iPhone. It won't be a big update, ill leave that until I get somewhere with highspeed. This is just to let everyone know that I am alive.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Guess Where Vance Is...

Driving to Ironwood MI
So Here I am, 1000 Miles into an 1800 Mile trip to Toronto. I am in a motel that is straight out of the horror section of the movie store. The town is quite nice, even though I drove in when it was pitch black. I saw a deer right outside my motel room door. The proprietor of the motel is a war vet and is a little strange. Seems friendly, almost too friendly...
I may not get to update anytime soon, and for the next day or so, I am out of cell phone range. So don't try getting a hold of me.
I may not get to update anytime soon, and for the next day or so, I am out of cell phone range. So don't try getting a hold of me.