Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tim Vaughn

I shot some shots for a local musician this week. It was nice having a paying job. Here's to hoping for more of those soon.

School is coming up soon. I can't wait to go back. I'm already thinking of stuff to shoot when I get back. So many ideas...

Last week I shot a fund raiser pot luck in small town Saskatchewan. It was really fun, despite being in a town with a pop. of 140. I'll have pictures of that soon for all your viewing pleasure.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

So many lake trips...

A man who would not give his name checks the damage to his truck after he ran into a bus on Broadway Ave. While there was no physical damage to any people, his pride took a hit.

Simon looks over at his Dad, Travis, while celebrating July 4th. With the temperature hitting 30'C, patio around Sasktoon were full.