This is a random stream that I found after driving up a logging road and nearly getting stuck. Not to mention almost falling in a creek with all my camera gear.

Nick was enthralled by the Alberta town of Cereal. So we stopped so he could get a Polaroid.

When I was driving back to Vernon, I happened upon an accident in Kelowna. A man was crossing the highway and was struck by a van. He lived, but he was in bad shape. I called the Kelowna paper to see if they were interested, but not many community dailies would run a picture with blood...

This was taken on the logging road before the road got too bad. i ended up having to back down part of it because I didn't have room to turn around. That little Firefly is one hell of a car!

Nick, The Star of Vancouver. Nothing more to say...
holy shit, nick looks like spenny from kenny vs spenny fame.
A Polaroid? I didn't think anybody used those anymore.
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