This was for an assignment on food. We were able to shoot anything as long as it was done in the studio. Well after using the studio lights and getting rather dismal shots, I turned to old fashion construction paper, tape and two really simple cheap flashes. Let me know what you thing. Give me some feed back. (And if you are lucky, I may even tell you how I shot it)

This was from a punk show on the weekend. The kids here have a really strange thing that they do instead of moshing like I know it. The do violent windmills with their arms, and then after about 4 rotations, they do a kung-fu kick out to the side. They also pace, but it is more like a side-step and then type writer walk back, then do it all again. I just don't get it...
ugghh!!! gin! ?*%$#!! Had a little too much of that this weekend and spent all day Sunday paying for it! oh well, all in anticipation of my little bro coming home for Christmas! yeah!! WTF?? crazy typewriter kids?! See you soon. Ciao Dani
Hey Vance! You gorgeous thing! I think the bottle and glass of olives looks awesome!!! Don't worry about explaining it to me because I probably wouldn't understand, me not being a photographer and all. But I love it! Talk to you when you're home!!
Love the gin picture.
I've heard of this moshing style. I used to work with a kid who HATED when kids did that in mosh pits he was in. So, he'd trip them, or punch them. I think he called them ninja-kids.
this was actually my band phelix, i'm very impressed. is their anyway you could send some pictures to us, we're at mr.phelix@gmail.com. Also, if you are doing a documentary on the changing music scene, we'd be more than glad to help. we aren't really big fans of the "new" moshing either.
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